Posted on 12/16/2021

A leaky transmission is not something that car owners should take lightly. Transmission fluid provides necessary smooth and cooling properties for the functioning of transmission parts. If the fluid is nearing empty or the liquid itself is in terrible condition, it will lead to major transmission problems down the line. Likewise, transmission repairs, rebuilds, and replacements are not easy or cheap. We always recommend that it's best to care for minor issues like leaks before they develop into huge concerns. Self Maintenance You can monitor the amount and quality of the transmission fluid at home. There is a dipstick designated for your transmission fluid in most vehicles. You can use this period to ensure the liquid is at a sufficient level, just like you would with your engine oil. You should also note what the fluid looks like in the reservoir. If the solution seems dark, nasty, old, or has a burned smell, it may be because you need a fluid change. Some people like to ... read more
Posted on 11/8/2021
Now that it's November, we have Thanksgiving and (of course) Black Friday to look forward to. While Black Friday shopping can be chaotic with the crazy traffic and antsy shoppers, it's a great way to get your holiday shopping out of the way. And you'll be getting great deals too! If you plan on participating in the shopping event this year, you should start thinking about an efficient plan of action. We've put together some tips and tricks to do beforehand. Figure Out Which Stores You Need to Go To And What You Need to Buy You should know better than to go into Black Friday without any idea of what you will buy. This lack of thought will lead you to make impulse buys, which will result in you making returns/exchanges later on. Instead, you should research the deals and determine which stores you need to run to before getting in the car. There are various apps and sites that will announce the special doorbusters in advance. Minimize Distraction While D ... read more
Posted on 10/5/2021
The one part of a vehicle that most people are not as familiar with is the Anti-Lock Braking System. To help you better understand your vehicle, we'll be going over the common questions asked regarding the ABS. Question #1 - What Does ABS Stand For and What Does It Do? ABS is an acronym for Anti-lock Braking System. Your cars have these anti-lock brakes to block skidding and to help motorists maintain steering control. The ABS uses electronic sensors and controls to control braking force during hard braking. In other words, it gets activated when the driver steps on the brakes firmly. Question #2 - Does It Make My Stops Faster? ABS is intended to help drivers maintain control of the vehicle during an emergency. While it may make the car stop more quickly, it's not intended for everyday use. If you're braking on wet or slippery roads, the ABS will likely decrease your stopping distance. Question #3 - What Does It Mean When the ABS Light Is On? There are a few potential ... read more
Posted on 9/7/2021

You can't always blame a bad smell for roadkill or other vehicles - sometimes, a stench that you're detecting inside your car is trying to tell you that something is in danger! In fact, your nose may be more dependable than you think. The different scents your vehicle gives off can help you determine what vehicle problem you could be dealing with. Some smells can spell urgency more than others, which is why you must know what they stand for. Whenever you catch an unusual scent in your automobile, you should bring it to an automotive professional to get a proper diagnosis. Here are the 6 most common vehicle scents that spell trouble: Maple Syrup - If your car smells like maple syrup, it could mean many things. A coolant leak from any of the following components can cause the scent: radiator, cylinder head, manifold gasket, or heater core. You should check this scent out as soon as possible to avoid the risks of overheating. Gasoline - The smell of gasoline coul ... read more
Posted on 8/3/2021

It's officially summer, which means it is time to hit the road and take the road trip you've planned for months. Your suitcases are packed, the fuel tank is full, and your car is set for the long journey ahead. All you need to bring is one last essential for a successful drive: snacks. When it comes to children eating on the go and keeping your seat crumb-free, not all snacks can do that. With a bit of research, you can provide healthy, mess-free snacks for everyone in the family. PREPARE SNACK AHEAD OF TIME To be ready on time, prep individual snack packs the night before your trip. Include various bite-sized, mess-free meal options that can keep everyone full for the duration of the trip. When shopping for snacks, consider adding all of the following: protein, fruit, vegetable, and sweet treat. We recommend using a reusable, closable container, so you can simply revisit the snack if needed. STOCK UP ON NO-PREP SNACKS If you're pushing for time or ... read more
Posted on 7/3/2021

Commuting is a daily practice for almost all Americans. According to the US Department of Transportation, there are more than 290 million registered drivers in the US. With so many people out on the road every day, especially in the early mornings, it can be incredibly stressful to get to work or school. We are here to tell you; it doesn't have to be at all. Here are some of our tips to calm your nerves and chill out behind the wheel. Manage Your Time Wisely Get what you need to get done in advance. See what you can get done the night before, like packing lunch, taking out the trash, picking out your outfit, or presetting your coffee maker, so you don't spend your morning scrambling with multiple tasks. You will feel more peaceful once you've crossed those items off your checklist. Change Your Hours Depending on your profession, this might be a toughy. However, flexible work hours are becoming more common, especially since 2020. You can ask your employer ... read more
Posted on 6/8/2021

You might think that tinted windows are only added for aesthetic purposes, but adding tint to your windows offers many practical benefits. These are the reasons why window tinting is becoming an increasingly popular car accessory to add: Better Privacy The most common reason people want this add-on is because it adds an extra layer of protection against theft. Depending on the level of tint, it can prevent people from outside of your car from looking in. Leaving an exposed wallet or cell phone on your seat often just invites people to steal it. By tinting your windows, you’ll feel at least a bit safer knowing that any valuables in your car aren’t as easy to see. Block Harmful UV Rays We all know that constant exposure to direct sunlight is never good, especially when most people don’t even wear sunscreen on a daily basis (yikes!). However, tinted car windows can block up to 99% of harmful ultraviolet rays that cause skin aging and even skin cancer ... read more
Posted on 5/12/2021
Whether it's a few drops or a large puddle, an oil leak can indicate a major problem. Ignoring a leak can lead to expensive engine damage down the road. Figure out the problem by investigating these three common issues – 1. Plug or Cap Leakage The cap is the best place to check for leaks. Found on the top of the engine, it's visibly marked with an oil can icon. If the plug wasn't fastened securely, you'll notice a visible oil leak and can easily identify the problem. The plug is next and is found underneath the engine on the oil pan, so unless you have a jack to raise the car, it will be difficult to check. If you suspect this is the problem, look for tell-tale oil spots underneath your car. 2. Seal and Gasket Leaks Gaps can occur between engine parts when they're not correctly bolted together. The seals and gaskets used to fill those spaces can wear away with time and should be checked regularly. Many drivers will take ... read more
Posted on 4/16/2021
A head gasket is a ringed panel that comes between the engine block and cylinder heads. It is meant to stop oil from leaking from the engine block to the cylinders, making it a vital component in the combustion system. It also blocks water conduits from entering the combustion chamber. Due to its location, the head gasket experiences different temperatures; heat from the combustion chamber and cold from the cooling conduits. This may take a toll on the gasket's structural integrity, cause cracks, and eventually a leak. If the issue is not sorted, it may blow up the entire head gasket. A head gasket can handle intense heat under normal working conditions. However, if the engine block heats up beyond the normal range, it may cause the head gasket to warp and crack. Besides, if the cylinder pressure is too high, it may blow the head gasket out of position and cause a leak. Symptoms of a Leak in the Head Gasket As explained earlier, the head gasket prevents coolant ... read more
Posted on 3/12/2021

The job of the timing belt is to synchronize the camshaft and crankshaft rotation and ensure that the valves in the combustion engine open and shut at the appropriate time. In some engines, it also prevents pistons from colliding with the valve walls. Given its work, the timing belt should have perfect calibration to keep everything in order. If it breaks down or gets out of alignment, you could destroy the engine or damage vital combustion parts that may be too costly to replace. When the belt breaks down, your engine will stop working. However, your vehicle may run if the belt is worn out. Unfortunately, you will damage the engine in the process. Here is when to change the belt. Timing belts can last up to about 100,000 miles. However, in most cases, you do not wait until you hit that mileage. Most technicians recommend that you have it changed every 60,000 to 80,000 miles. Check your owner's manual for the recommended intervals within which you should change your timing belt ... read more