Posted on 3/25/2022
A car with foggy windows may not seem like a major problem, but it can certainly make it harder to see. No matter what type of climate you live in, you've probably experienced this before. Here's how to deal with this problem this spring and summer! Foggy windows occur due as a result of a shift in temperature and/or the air's moisture content. Unlike foggy windows caused by cold weather, fogginess from humidity forms on the outside of your windows and windshield. Fortunately, these are simple fixes. Turn on your windshield wipers. First, you can turn on your wipers and have them wipe away the condensation. That should give you immediate results. However, your windows and mirrors can still be foggy. Lower your A/C. Increasing the temperature in your car will help offset the temperature difference between the inside and outside air. Turn off recirculating air feature. Having this off will hel ... read more