Posted on 7/3/2021

Commuting is a daily practice for almost all Americans. According to the US Department of Transportation, there are more than 290 million registered drivers in the US. With so many people out on the road every day, especially in the early mornings, it can be incredibly stressful to get to work or school. We are here to tell you; it doesn't have to be at all. Here are some of our tips to calm your nerves and chill out behind the wheel. Manage Your Time Wisely Get what you need to get done in advance. See what you can get done the night before, like packing lunch, taking out the trash, picking out your outfit, or presetting your coffee maker, so you don't spend your morning scrambling with multiple tasks. You will feel more peaceful once you've crossed those items off your checklist. Change Your Hours Depending on your profession, this might be a toughy. However, flexible work hours are becoming more common, especially since 2020. You can ask your employer ... read more