A fair percentage of drivers either refuse to drive at night, or feel insecure about their driving abilities in the dark. Driving at night is definitely more dangerous and it comes with more risks. However, sometimes nighttime driving is necessary, and here are some tips to ensure safe nighttime travel:
- Test your headlights and taillights regularly. Make sure your vehicle's lights and signals (low beams, high beams, turning signals, and brake lights) are working correctly. If there is a problem, do NOT drive at night until it is repaired. Also, read the owner's manual and learn how to customize your headlights' angle and aim.
- Stay Alert! This one is extremely important because not only do you need to be fully awake and aware of your own driving, you also need to pay extra attention to other vehicles on the road who may be driven by sleepy drivers. Feeling tired? Stop at a well-lit convenience store and splash water on your face, get a cup of coffee, and you should feel refreshed and ready to drive again after a few minutes. If you're feeling sleepy, don't take a chance....pull over to a safe place, rest area, or a motel and get some rest.
- Look Out for Wildlife!- While no one wants to hit, injure or kill any size of animal on the road, larger animals can cause multi-vehicle accidents and serious damage. Often, when coming up on an animal on the highway, the glare of headlights get caught in the animal's eyes. If you see two tiny dots, it's most likely a critter! Immediately start slowing down until you come to a full stop.
- Consider Installing Fog Lights- If fog tends to be an issue in your driving area, investing in fog lights for your vehicle is probably a smart move. Fog lights are aimed lower than the fog itself, creating better visibility of the road's surface. Fog lights are also spread out farther than headlights, so you're able to see more of the roadside.
- Keep Your Best Eyes on the Road - It is surprising how much a person's vision can change within a year, without them realizing it. After age 40, it's important your eyesight is tested annually and your eyeglass prescription (if any) is kept updated.
- Keep Glass Surfaces Clean and Smudge Free - This is a no-brainer, but it's very important to clean windshields regulary with glass cleaner and glass cleaner. Newspapers are super-absorbent and leave fewer smears of liquid.
Let the experts at Dub's Garage take care of your vehicle's maintenance and repairs so you can have safer driving. Please give us a call or visit soon.