Posted on 3/11/2015

We’re all too familiar with parking and speeding tickets… but did you know it’s illegal to drive within an arm’s length of alcohol, including alcohol in someone else’s blood stream, in Texas?The auto repair experts at Dub’s Garage are here to keep you informed and keep your vehicle safe – give us a call at 361.444.1355 for vehicle maintenance and stay safely on the roads in Corpus Christi.From common sense to just plain weird, there are some unusual traffic laws across the country. And while not all of these may be strictly enforced, it’s worth a look at these surprising auto tickets:No Common Sense…It’s illegal to drive while blindfolded (Alabama)Don’t take a nap on the street… it’s illegal to “use the road as a bed” (Eureka, California)Not only is it unwise, it’s illegal to jump from a car at 65 mph (Glendale, California)Stay on the roads! It’s illegal to drive on sidewalks (Dunn, North Carolina) or through playgrounds (Dublin, Georgia) or through a cemet ... read more