Posted on 4/18/2018

Is your vehicle harming the environment? Carbon emissions is a natural result of the combustion engine, but if your vehicle is spewing billowing clouds of purple smoke into the atmosphere every time you press the gas pedal, you have much bigger problems.But not to fear! Here are three ways Dub’s Garage will help you Go Green with your vehicle to reduce the harmful effects on our environment, keep Corpus Christi clean and healthy, and ensure your family is safe as you drive on the roads.First, have your gas cap tested. The seal inside can be come worn with time, meaning the gas cap can no longer provide a tight seal for your gas tank. On warm days, your gasoline may evaporate straight into the atmosphere! Not only is this harmful for the environment, but it costs you money. The next time you bring your vehicle into Dub’s Garage, ask us about this effect – our technicians will test your gas cap and make sure it is ... read more